Our current advert, with our new logo in Fine Addresses – Frankfurt/Main
Our new logo and our current advertisement can now be admired in the renowned magazine “Feine Adressen” on page 29. We are very pleased about the bilingual presence in German and English, both in the online version and in the printed edition.
Read the PDF version now
Space dressing and house keeping
Interior Design.
Of course, design is not just a good idea, but much, much more: namely hard work, psychology, experience, discipline, organisation… and a lot of flexibility in thinking. And that is precisely our strength.
Design is a good idea
Instant Karma.
Instant Karma is an interior design consultancy service tailored to your needs. Not a redesign, but a look at, analysis and optimisation of your furnishings.
Never say what you cannot prove
Interior Consulting.
Good planning is half the battle. And yet, once the concept is in place, budget cuts often follow. The end result is usually a compromise that sometimes even means squaring the circle.
Design is a good idea
Space is the possibility to shape and develop life individually. Lilian Design creates spaces that are designed to achieve just that. Whether private, public or business – Lili Tesler’s flair for timeless modernity, authenticity and harmony ensure interior design that touches all the senses. In doing so, she confidently combines her many years of design expertise with the beneficial principles of Feng Shui. She designs hotels, restaurants, business premises, public spaces, shops, wellness oases, private rooms and much more.